On Playwrighting | The Dramatist

Published in The Dramatist Magazine What are we doing when we write for the stage? Are we entertaining ourselves?  Entertaining others?  Having our say? Trying to make a living? Trying to make a point?  Furthering the art form?  Joining the dialogue? Trying to save the ship?  Trying to sink the ship?  Getting even?  Getting ahead?  […]

Can Playwriting Be Taught?

Published by the Dramatist Guild, July 2006 Keynote address from the Southeastern Theater Conference in 2006 The age-old answer to this question was always “No, playwriting cannot be taught.”  And like other age-old answers – abstinence is the only way, father knows best, etc – it was not true at all, but did serve a […]

Story Lecture

Wesleyan University 2006 Thank you for inviting me to give this lecture.  Because I have won prizes for writing plays, and teach the writing of plays, people always think I want to talk about the theatre, which I’m happy to do later on in the evening, if anyone has any questions.  But my subject tonight […]

Craft Lecture

Southampton Writers Conference – July 2005 I am pleased to be asked to give a craft lecture, though truthfully, playwrights always feel a little odd in the company of poets and novelists and, you know, decent, honorable people.  Because writing plays and musicals and movies feels like a real low down life most of the […]